Hi, I’m Becca Droz!

I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and now reside in the beautiful foothills of Boulder, Colorado. I earned my B.A. in Outdoor Leadership from Warren Wilson College in 2014. As the youngest of 4 kids, my drive for individuation led me on a path of novelty, adventure, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Through 15 years of rock climbing experiences, I have seen how climbing fulfills many niches, including physical activity, connection to nature, exploration of new places, practices of clear communication and needs in partnership, self reflection and personal growth. I love sharing all of this as a rock climbing guide and coach and a leader in the women’s climbing community.

My interest in understanding why we are the way we are and how we show up in our relationships led me to become an accredited Enneagram Practitioner. My Enneagram coaching is available to be worked into climbing coaching or explored independently. (My core type is 7 if you know about it). 

pc: Ian Glass

Starting at a young age, my attraction to novel experiences and big dreams lead me to fulfill my childhood dream of being on the CBS reality show, The Amazing Race. To my delight I got to do it twice (seasons 29 and 31). The openhearted energy “Team Fun” brought to the show landed us as fan favorites in both our seasons--I’ll take that over the win!

  • American Mountain Guide Association (AMGA) Certified Apprentice Rock Guide
  • Wilderness First Responder Certification (WFR)
  • Accredited iEQ9 Enneagram Practitioner
  • 15 years experience climbing; 8 years experience guiding
  • Climbs up to 5.13
  • As a queer woman, I am a welcome guide for the LGBTQ population.